Health Center

health is
a human right

Baboucarr Boye, Demba Ceesay and Ebrima Surr, who live and work in Freiburg and the surrounding area, initiated the “Jahanka Health Center” project in Gambia and are committed to it. Michael Ceesay, NL, Set Boye, GB, Alhagit Lein Boye, USA, New York are important Gambians in exile in the founding team.

About the project

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The village in Gambia we come from is called Jahanka. People there have to live off what they can grow and harvest in the six to seven months outside the rainy season. This also means: Jahanka is a poor village and it has no medical care.

What happens if someone suddenly needs medical help? For example if baby has a life-threatening high fever, if someone has broken a leg or somehow else injured, if a difficult birth is imminent?

The closest hospital is in Bansang. There is no ambulance. With the only available means of transport, the horse-drawn carriage, the journey takes one and a half hours in good weather and good road conditions. Much longer in bad weather. Seriously ill people often do not survive the road. During the five to six months of the rainy season, flooded or undermined roads make it impossible to transport the sick.

The infant mortality rate in Gambia is just under 7%. It is twice as high as in Germany. While the average life expectancy in Germany is over 80 years, it is only around 61 years in Gambia.

We want to change that!

In order to build a health center for around 20,000 people, we Gambier, who had to leave our homeland, joined forces and founded the Jahanka Health Center. This medical center is supposed to care for the people in Jahanka and the surrounding villages. To do this, we need doctors, nursing staff and the appropriate equipment: beds, technical and medical equipment, laboratories, ambulances etc.

We have already taken the first steps of the long way: an architect has drawn up a construction plan for us, we have poured a foundation and almost finished the shell. Therefore we are full of hope and confidence that we will soon be able to help our compatriots.

But we are not able to do it alone and therefore asking for your help!


Support our project with a monetary donation and help us to establish sustainable medical care for the people in our village!

Many thanks to the donors! Many thanks to the volunteers in Gambia and around the world!

We need your support so that we can continue to build the hospital. We would like to install a solar system on the roof of the hospital to get electricity and operate a water pump. The hospital is scheduled to be opened in June 2022.

Currently we urgently need donations for the solar system and for new windows. For example, you can donate a window or a door.

You can donate:

4 gates, each costs € 300
26 doors, each costs 150€
16 big windows, each costs 100€
9 small windows, each costs 80€
4 Tore jedes kostet 300 €
26 doors, each costs 150€
16 big windows, each costs 100€
9 small windows, each costs 80€

That is how you can help to support the project for the medical care of the people in and around Jahanka!



Weitblick Freiburg e.V.
IBAN: DE80430609677913601400
Reference: Jahanka

Donation receipts can be provided


Das neue Konto wird demnächst eingerichtet werden

Weitblick Freiburg e.V.
IBAN: DE80430609677913601400
Reference: Jahanka

You can get a donation receipt via freiburg@weitblicker.org


Anja Bochtler
Badische Zeitung I 17. März 2021

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„Baboucarr Boye kam 2014 nach Freiburg, wo er inzwischen fest verankert ist. Doch die Verbindung zu seinem Heimatdorf in Gambia hat er nicht aufgegeben – und will dort nun ein Krankenhaus bauen…“

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InZeitung I Sommer 2021

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